Falling in love is a sweet ambition

Falling in love is a sweet ambition,
finding true love is a life time mission..
Take my word, follow the Pakistani tradition
& marry ur dad’s decision !

If I Could Give You
One Thing In My Life,
I Would Give You
The Ability To See
Yourself Through My Eyes

Only Then Would
You Realize How
Special You Are To Me..!

“Let’s Play
I’ll Hide Behind
Your Back
When You Start
Seeking For Me …
I’ll Rush To You
Arms .. ♥ ♥ ”

He: Who do u like??
She: No one!!

He: OH. Who do u like??
She: No one!!

He: Who do u like?
She: How many times are u gonna ask that?

He: As many as it takes you to say my name. :)

Touch my heart & u will feel,
Listen to my heart & u will hear,
Look into my heart & u will see that
U will alwayz be a special part of me.

They learned me that one hours equals 60 minutes
and that one minute equals 60 seconds,
but they never told me that one second
without you can last for ever!

Thought of you today, That’s not new,
Thought of you yesterday + the day before too,
I will think of you tomorrow & my whole life through,
& I will think of you forever because I think the world of you.

In the morning,
sun gazes at me to make me happy…
Cool breeze hugs me to see my smile…
Birds sings to make me smile….
But my dear,
They dont know that
my smile is incomplete until
I remember your face…

Hearts beat 72 times a min,
Even if ur heart beats only once a min,
U’ll stil live coz 71 times my heart beats 4u..
Good Morning & Have a good day.

If love is sweet why does it hurt,
if love is deep why does it burn,
if love is warm why do we shiver,
if love is tender why do we cry,
if love is forever why do we die

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